Monday, October 26, 2009


A definite set back. I stood on the scales yesterday and rather than seeing any sort of weight loss (or even plateau, I would have settled for no loss or gain), I found I had put two pounds on last week! Two whole fat pounds. To say I was gutted would be putting it very very mildly… What did I do so terribly wrong last week??

As far as I’m aware, nothing. Ok, so I did have a few sweets and a pizza on Thursday night (we went to the cinema after work), but I had eaten very little for the rest of the day, so as to be able to eat a few sweets and pizza. Other than that everything was the same. I did two good work outs at the gym, I ate reasonably sensibly (sweets and pizza aside). The only real difference was that I was drinking less water than I might otherwise. I have found that if I don’t drink in the evenings I actually sleep through the night. Perhaps that’s it? Maybe I need to drink more water and just sacrifice the sleep? Why does it have to be one or the other?? Maybe I need to do EVEN MORE exercise, which is increasingly difficult to fit into my schedule.


There are any number of excuses I could put forth for why this weight gain happened (maybe water retention, maybe muscle gain…) but none of that will help the fact that I have had a very disappointing set back. This puts my total weight loss over the first three weeks at 1 measly little pound.

I could cry…

When you try really really hard there is nothing worse than these set backs. When you think you’re doing everything right… It takes all my effort not to jack the whole thing in and head to the sweet shop. But I know that is a terrible, monumentally stupid idea and that I must persevere. It’s just so hard! I feel like a petulant child – it’s too hard and it’s just not fair!!

Anyway, I missed our long run this weekend as Flâneur wasn’t feeling very well on Saturday and I wasn’t really feeling in the mood either. He ended up going out on Sunday instead, but as I was away during the day, I missed that opportunity too. Not that I regret that. I was away because I was being a ‘Super Supporter’ (can I trademark that??) cheering SAM and SD on as they ran the Jedburgh half marathon. I call Wastrel, RF and myself Super Supporters (which sounds big headed) because we stood at mile 11, at the top of a hill, and cheered every single runner that came past us, individually, while handing out jelly beans and wine gums. And frankly there was no-one else doing that. We did, obviously cheer more loudly when our friends went past, but we did make sure we cheered loudly for everyone else too. In an encouraging way (not using any of the phrases runners hate, such as ‘nearly there’). And I must say it was brilliant! The enormous sense of well being when weary runners managed a smile because you were cheering for them, or the look of gratitude when they realised we were giving out energy boosting sweeties, was just great. And we’re sure we saw some runners pick up their pace a bit because there were folk cheering (no mean feat in the terrible wind that was blowing in their faces). I would recommend race cheering to anyone and everyone if you want to boost your feel good factor!

Seeing all those people getting ready to run and actually running really made me want to be doing it too. Not the 13 mile race, I’m not daft, but a bit of a jog at least. I am determined to go to the gym tonight, despite feeling like I am being hit by Flâneur’s cold. Even if I just go for 10 minutes, or just do half my usual exercise, at least I will have gone! And maybe a few of these pesky pounds will start to shift again… buggers!


Fiona Lochhead said...

Don't despair! I don't think the 1 lb is accurate. I bet that if you have a few good days you'll notice a sudden drop. Maybe your body is storing water because you're eating less and it's having a bit of a panic (thinks your starving, so retains water). This should only last a little while. Also, don't forget the muscle issue!
Just remember - if you're burning more calories than you're ingesting, you WILL be losing weight - no matter what the scales say.

MF said...

Thanks so much for the positive comments. It really does mean a great deal! I shall be off to the gym tonight and then eat a light and healthy supper. See what happens... Buggers my desire for curry tomorrow though!! ;o)