Saturday, September 11, 2010

Let me eat cake!

In a further 'I have a wonderful husband' post, just to make sure you know how lovely he is (and maybe to make you sick a little), I post the following:

Yup. Today my lovely husband made cupcakes. Yummy! And delightfully put them in alternating coloured cupcake cases. Ah, the things that make me happy... ;o) While he needs to learn some piping skills (he'd be the first to admit that too, so I'm not doing him down, promise!), they looks very tasty. Especially that lovely large one two from the right... ;o)

From the top! On a cool plate he bought in New York. I don't care that they don't have perfectly formed piped icing. They look delicious.

Post script - and taste it too! Yum! ;o)

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