Monday, November 10, 2008

Worst blogger ever...

That's what I would appear to be...

Clearly I am not cut out for this blogging lark.

However, for anyone out there who may be interested (and for my own records, if such things exist), I have hit a new plateau. And boy it's an annoying one. I am now teetering on the brink of having lost a stone. So much so that a mere 10 ounces stand in my way. Why is it the little bits that seem hardest to shift?? I'm now annoyed that I have scales that give ounces!! On the bright side it means I don't have to buy dinner for the Fiancé yet (his treat at helping me out with the weight loss thing. We wont mention the stone and 3 oz that he has lost in the time it has taken me to lose less than that. Pah!).

But seeing as the Fiancé had friends over on Saturday who brought evil snacks with them (and left many of these evil snacks in our flat), I've done pretty well not to put a couple of pounds on over this weekend...

Will try and head to the pool tonight though, see if that can’t help shift those niggly ounces. Was lovely that last time I went one older lady (who did a length every 5 mins or so) said I was a fast swimmer. I nearly drowned laughing...

Thinking of the snacks, I think that keeping myself busy helped... I was at my sewing machine for most of yesterday and enjoyed myself immensely. Put some old Dr Who episodes on in the background and made not one but two Christmas Presents... Only 3-5 (depending on how many I intend to do altogether) to go... How many weeks is it now til Christmas?? Bugger...

Enjoying the sewing though. Will post up some of the pics once Christmas is over and done with (in case there are any interested sewers out there). Can't really do it before in case any of the friends find this thing and stray on to it! Would be rubbish for them to see their presents in advance. Not that I think anyone would bother with this pathetic excuse for a blog!

Needless to say I am learning all sorts of exciting new sewing techniques, including button holes, complicated things which involve proper patterns, and embroidery. Although I'm not sure I'm artistically talented enough for the latter... We'll see when I've finished (if I finish) the thing I started last night...


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking the odds of you having sewn me something are very, very, slim. :)

Bet I just gave you heart failure with this comment, right? :P

MF said...

More that I might have forgotten your birthday... ;o)